Anyone who has to write about themselves can say that they absolutely hate it. But I meaning my case, I want you all to get to know me so…here goes (face palm).
As you know, my name is Kera. I’m currently 33 years old. I was born in Sydney Nova Scotia. I currently live in Calgary Alberta. For those of you who are from other beautiful regions of this world, I’m in Canada. I’m currently a restaurant server at the airport. Let’s just say that my job has a tiny reason for why I decided to create my own blog. You will find out more about why I’m doing this later on.
I have a ridiculously large family. I’m one of 8 kids. But before y’all go holy sh*t, I’m the only child from my mother and father. Altogether there’s 3 sisters and 4 brothers. Add in what feels like a hockey team of nieces and nephews plus aunts, cousins and uncles, and well there you go. Yeah I know its bloody large.
I’m the type of person who enjoys the simplicity of life but with pizazz. I’m a huge movie buff. I probably go to more movies than everyone I know combined. My friends can literally confirm that. I have a love of concerts. I’ve been to two this year with two more already coming this summer. Why are writing these things so hard? I know you all definitely agree. If there is something more exciting about myself I can think of, I’ll add it in later.